Friday, March 1, 2013

How To Choose An Acupressure Mat | Selecting The Best Acupressure Mat Brand

How To Choose Your Acupressure Mat 
Selecting The Best Acupressure Mat Brand

With over a dozen different brands of acupressure mats on the market to choose from, and with prices ranging from about $20 to $100, how does one choose the right acupressure mat?
What is the difference between the different acupressure mat brands?

 Here are 5 things to look for when selecting an acupressure mat:

1. Materials The Acupressure Mat Is Made With
2. Quality Of The Materials
3. Is Glue Used In The Manufacture Of The Acupressure Mat?
4. How Many Spikes Are On The Mat?
5. Warranty On The Acupressure Mat  

1. Materials The Acupressure Mat Is Made With

Make sure the acupressure mat you buy is made with natural and non-toxic materials. The cloth should be a natural cotton, hemp, or linen, because these fabrics are "breathable" and and do not cause unnecessary sweating.
The spikes should be made with ABS plastic or other non-toxic material. many mats are made with plastics that contain BPA which has receive a lot of attention lately about it's toxicity. The foam most commonly used is polyurethane foam and is considered to be non-toxic. There are some acupressure mats that use natural foam rubber, eco-foam,and even coconut fibers as cushioning in their acupressure mats.  

2. Quality Of The Materials

The quality of materials used is also of importance. I have seen acupressure mats made with super thin cotton fabric that undoubtedly would not last more than a year or so because of the low quality fabric used.
Your acupressure mat when used daily, should last you way more than 5 years with proper care. Most often, it pays of to spend a little bit more on quality because you benefit from the length of time you can use the item.  

3. Is Glue Used In The Manufacture Of The Acupressure Mat?

Glue is bad! Do not get an acupressure mat made with glue. The glues used to attach the spike in cheaper acupressure mats are strong glues and are toxic. Most of the time you can smell the glue when you get your acupressure mat package. The higher end acupressure mats use a proprietary heat process to attach the spikes to the acupressure mats. This process adds a little more cost to the acupressure mat, but is well worth it because it is non-toxic.  

You are investing in your health and well-being so check to make sure the acupressure mat you choose is free of glue. It should state so on the company website or call them and ask.  

4. How Many Spikes Are On The Mat?

The number of spikes on the acupressure mat you choose has a significance. Most common are mats with around 8,000 or,6,000 spikes. The more the spikes, the more acupressure points you are likely to stimulate when laying on the acupressure mat. Also, the more spike there are the less it hurts.
Mats with fewer spikes say that fewer spikes result in more pressure on the acupressure points. The majority of acupressure mats on the market have around 8,000 spikes. If you have sensitive skin, you will prefer the mats with 8,000 spikes.  

5. Warranty On The Acupressure Mat

Companies that make good quality products offer great warranties on their products because they are confident of the quality and know that the products will last a very long time.
Companies and brands that don't stand behind their products don't offer long warranties. So if the warranty is for only 30 or 60 days, be wary.  Look for brands and companies that have long warranties on their products.

So when choosing your acupressure mat brand, get a mat made with high quality materials, non-toxic plastic such as ABS plastic, made without glue, and one that has a long warranty. These are generally available in the price range of $27 - $59.

Here are some great brands of acupressure mats:

Heavenly Acupressure Mats:
8,820 spikes.  5 year warranty.   Natural cotton fabric.  Natural foam rubber.  ABS plastic.  Glue-Free.

Spoonk Mat:
6,210 spikes. 5 year warranty. Natural cotton / hemp Fabric. Glue-free. Eco-foam.

Pranamat Eco:
5,525 spikes. 30 day warranty. Natural cotton / linen fabric. Coconut Fiber cushion. H.I.P.S. Plastic. Glue-free.

Shakti Mat:
8,000 / 6,000 spikes. 14 day warranty. Cotton fabric. Regular foam. ABS plastic. Glue-free.

Halsa Mat:
8,820 spikes. 30 day warranty. Natural cotton fabric. Regular foam.ABS Plastic. Glue Free

Yantra Mat:
8,820 / 11.550 14 Day warranty. Natural cotton. Regular foam. ABS Plastic.


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